Faith: The “Uncommon Sense”

Faith is a strong conviction that works when everything else feels numb. It guides us through tough times, helping us find hope amid despair and uncertainty.

Faith stands as our last hope when everything around us falls apart and human efforts fail. Faith is not just an idea. it connects us to something greater. It is a bridge between what we can see and what we cannot. The known and the unknown. The finite and the infinite.

People often call faith the sixth sense. It is an inner sense that awakens when logic and reason can’t help us anymore. Faith gives us the strength to act even when the odds are against us. It makes us believe in miracles when we face big challenges. It encourages us to take risks, trusting that God's power will take us through. 

Faith is often misunderstood. Those who rely only on what they can see may find it silly or meaningless. However, during these moments of doubt, faith shows its true strength, turning what seems senseless into something sensible.

The story of the Israelites in Exodus 14:10-15 highlights the power of faith. Trapped between Pharaoh’s army and the Red Sea, they felt hopeless. Yet Moses' strong faith parted the waters, allowing them to escape.

Faith means keeping on, even when it feels like we aren’t making any progress. Faith gives us the strength to carry on when we feel weak. It gives us the boldness to face challenges. Faith means trusting completely in what God says, even when it doesn’t make sense to us. It helps us keep moving through the darkness, believing that light will soon guide us.

In short, faith does not ignore logic; it rises above it. It is the “uncommon sense” that pushes us to achieve what seems impossible. As we go through life, let’s welcome faith, as it can open doors to extraordinary possibilities. Remember, the finish line is not just a place to reach but a journey we can only take through the steps of faith.


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