Transformation Coming Soon: Let Jesus Be Your Architect

Life is a journey that often shows us the stark contrast between the past and the present. It can leave us feeling perplexed, especially when we compare and contrast. But there is a profound truth embedded in the transformative power of time. Just as an architect turns an oddly constructed structure into a luxurious facility, our lives, too, can receive a revitalizing touch. No matter how broken or neglected we may feel, there is always hope for transformation. The feeble skeleton of a neglected and abandoned building need not stay in disarray forever. Change is imminent, and it's coming soon, provided you invite Jesus in. Amid our brokenness, Jesus sees unlimited potential and works tirelessly to bring that potential into the world. He is the master refurbisher capable of transforming our lives into abundance. With Him, we are recreated into new creatures, free to soar and explore all the beauty and potential that this life has to offer. So, if you're feeling lost or ...