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The Power of Commitment: Attributes of Committed Leaders

In the Gospel of John, Jesus posed a question to His disciples: "Do you also want to go away?" Simon Peter's resolute response echoes through the ages: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" (John 6:67–69). Peter understood that commitment transcends fleeting emotions – it's a bedrock quality that propels us toward our goals. Let's delve into the key attributes of committed ministers that make a real difference. Their Commitment is Unyielding Amidst Adversity Life throws obstacles our way, but committed individuals don't falter. Winners push through, refusing to make excuses. They stay the course, undeterred by challenges. Excuses become mere stoppers on the path to greatness Their Commitment is Beyond Gifts and Abilities Commitment isn't contingent on natural talents. God doesn't limit Himself to the equipped; He equips those who commit. Jesus chooses ordinary people, transforming them into vessels of His glory. They