Habits Vs Needs: Why Habits are not Needs.

Human behaviour is a complex subject that can be broken down into habits and needs. Habits are actions that we perform regularly and easily, and they can result from repeated actions or routines. These habits can be either positive or negative but are not essential to our survival. On the other hand, needs are the essential requirements for our well-being and survival. These include physiological needs like food and water, safety needs such as shelter and security, and emotional needs like love and belonging.

Sometimes, we confuse habits with needs and justify indulging in bad habits as a necessity. This is a common defence mechanism that allows us to avoid responsibility and claim powerlessness in the face of change. However, we can distinguish between habits and needs by observing others who thrive without the habits we consider indispensable. This realization can be both freeing and challenging, as it invites us to reassess our behaviours and the control we believe they have over us.

In the realm of romantic relationships, fidelity is not a need, but a habit. A thriving marriage is grounded on unwavering commitment, not on the widespread social custom of seeking extramarital affairs. Opting to prioritize the relationship's needs over personal desires and habits is an intentional decision. Smoking is another habit that many chain smokers consider a need, but plenty of people live without it and prosper. Recognizing this distinction allows us to make deliberate choices that align with our authentic needs and values. Furthermore, we can cultivate habits that bolster our overall well-being.

Ultimately, understanding the difference between habits and needs can lead to a life that is intentional, fulfilling, and need-fulfilling. By prioritizing our needs and consciously choosing habits that support them, we can create a life that is more fulfilling and aligned with our values.

Questions for reflection
  • What harmful habits do you practice often, thinking they're needs, but now you realize they're unnecessary?
  • How can you eliminate harmful habits?


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