Embracing Freedom through Knowledge and Belief in Jesus Christ

Dear reader, I want to make it clear that true freedom comes from knowing and believing in the truth. As Jesus said, 

“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31–33).

Knowledge is power, and it allows us to unlock doors to either freedom or slavery in various aspects of life. By embracing and living by the truth, often found in God’s word, we can experience genuine freedom. This journey of discovering the truth and using it as our guide can be transformative. 

It’s crucial to remember that true well-wishers will honestly share the truth, even if it may hurt. On the other hand, those who don’t have our best interests at heart may deceive us with false information to keep us enslaved to their will.

Satan’s deception comes in two forms: believing his lies and refusing to believe the truth of Christ. Unfortunately, many people are living in denial of the truth, finding themselves trapped in Satan’s slavery. Breaking free from this requires a bold decision to rebel against the forces that enslave and control us and to attach ourselves to the truth—Jesus.

Freedom is not easily given, and it requires us to take action. Anything or anyone we believe in, other than God, becomes our master, holding us captive. These masters will not willingly reveal the truth, as it would undermine their control. This is why seeking freedom often involves rebelling against the norms that shackle us, even if it’s uncomfortable.

The cost of freedom is high, and the price we pay is substantial. Yet, the benefits outweigh the temporary pleasures of a life lived solely to satisfy present desires. We must be like Moses, who, by faith, chose affliction with the people of God over the fleeting pleasures of sin. He esteemed the reproach of Christ as greater riches than the treasures in Egypt because he looked to the ultimate reward (Hebrews 11:24-26).

Thus, freedom is more than just a concept; it’s a transformative journey that begins with knowledge and belief in the truth. Embracing this truth, as illuminated by God’s word, empowers us to break free from the chains that bind us, whether they be self-inflicted or externally imposed. It’s a rebellion against the norms that keep us in bondage, a determination to rise above deception, and a conscious choice to align ourselves with the liberating truth—Jesus Christ. 

So, dear reader, as you tread this path, always remember that the pursuit of truth is the pursuit of freedom itself.

Thank you and blessings!


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