There is a Void in Your Soul. What Fills it?

There are so many things that are competing for our space, time and attention. Like neon advert signs they are always flashing on and off, ever beckoning, “welcome, welcome…” But not everything that entices us, not everything that captures our attention should be welcomed. Nor should we always say yes to every invitation.

Despite their glamour, we can stop and ask ourselves, “Does this give glory to God? Is this in harmony with God’s will? Is it aligned with my goals? Is it productive? Does this reflect my values? Will this distort my integrity? Then we can adjust accordingly.

There is a void in man. Emptiness. nothingness. Dark abyss…This gap is always demanding to be filled. We, therefore, need to be extra cautious about choosing the things to fill it with.
“There is, in every event, whether lived or told, always a hole or gap, often more than one. if we allow ourselves to get caught in it, we find it opening into a void that, once we have slipped into it, we can never escape.”
— Brian Evenson.
However, it is appalling that many people, say and do things they know are bad. A lot of people are too hasty to open the door to their hearts to everything that knocks. Especially when they are given considerable incentives, power, position, fame, affection etc. And when inappropriate things are done by the majority, particularly leaders, mentors, role models and celebrities, they seem to be fascinating, get noticed and draw in more attention.

Now people start believing that those things aren’t as bad as initially thought. Because they are done by people of influence, expected and perceived to be good.

Thus, enough people are lured, attracted, snatched and entangled in bad behaviours. Then the bad habits are seen as common and normal, therefore becoming commonplace and eventually the new norm. This ultimately leads to moral decay in society.

But you and I can resist this propensity. When we realize that we are not crowd followers. When we acknowledge that the choices we make, make us. When we understand and uphold the fact that the choices we make and our behaviours aren’t dictated by others.

Having chosen your path and started walking it toward your purpose, you don’t do things because the majority are doing them. For your path and purpose are not theirs. They are yours alone. Nor do you accept incentives, rewards or bribes to do what you know is wrong.

When you’re feeling empty, broken, feeble, down, vulnerable… you don’t seek cravings and bad habits to fill that void. You avoid quick fixes. You avoid shortcuts that are short of God’s glory. You don’t sow and nourish seeds of hatred, corruption, lies, cruelty, injustice, pain and any other vice you can imagine. These can not fill that emptiness.

When you acquire power and position, and the very many benefits that accompany power and position follow, you don’t intimidate people. You don’t give pride a chance to rob your integrity and values. You don’t develop manipulative behaviours…

You yearn, seek, pursue and obtain righteousness and your void is filled. When the vessel is full of righteousness, seeds of love, peace, joy, mercy, grace, humility, integrity, purity, truth, forgiveness, and many other virtues that come with righteousness sprout and thrive.

When these seeds are nourished, nurtured, and pampered…they yield palatable fruits to benefit you, your family and the world at large.

Has anything seduced you to do or utter words that do not give glory to God? Has anything due to its attractiveness tempted you out of your path and God’s presence? Have you ever been applauded, honoured and pampered only to be persecuted later and left feeling empty? Maybe it seemed plausible at first but later you realized that you had taken the wrong path. In such situations, how can you find your worth and fullness in God?

You can choose to give priority to Jesus. Once Jesus is the centre of your life, He can give you spiritual and physical blessings to your full fulfilment. He is the only one who can fill that void, that hollow hole which no man, no tangible or intangible commodity can fill. He is your righteousness. He says:
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.”
Matthew 5:6

God bless you abundantly! 


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