God is Moved by Faith, Not Our Needs

Many believe that because God is all-knowing and loving, He will automatically meet our needs. However, while God is indeed aware of our needs, and He hears our prayers, He is not moved by them alone. In Matthew 6:8, Jesus tells us, 

“For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.” 

This verse emphasizes that God already knows what we need, but it does not negate our responsibility to ask Him. We must actively seek God’s help and provision. If we do nothing, God will not move on our behalf.

The truth is, what moves God is faith. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus repeatedly highlights the importance of faith in receiving God’s blessings and intervention. In Luke 12:28, Jesus says, 

“If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith?” 

Here, Jesus underscores that it is not our needs that stir God to action but our faith in His ability to provide.

Faith is essential not only for salvation but also for our continued life in God’s Kingdom. We are called to live by faith daily, trusting God to meet our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). God desires to be our sole source of supply, not any person, organization, or worldly system.

Our coming to Jesus was orchestrated by God, as Jesus Himself said in John 6:44, 

“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.” 

This highlights God’s sovereignty in our salvation and His ongoing desire to guide and provide for us as our Good Shepherd.

Yet, entering God’s Kingdom through salvation is just the beginning. Some may mistakenly believe that once they are saved, blessings will automatically overflow into their lives. However, for these blessings to manifest, we must heed the voice of the Lord and follow His principles as laid out in His Word (Deuteronomy 28:2). This requires us to shift our confidence away from the world’s systems and fully place our trust in God.

Satan, the deceiver, constantly attempts to divert our worship and allegiance away from God. He tried to tempt Jesus by offering Him all the kingdoms of the world if He would only bow down and worship him. Satan’s offer to meet our needs in exchange for our worship is a perversion of God’s truth. 

Just as God supplies all our needs when we worship and serve Him, Satan offers a counterfeit, promising to meet our needs in exchange for allegiance. However, unlike God’s provision, which brings life, Satan’s provision is laced with death and destruction.

Satan has patterned his kingdom of darkness after God’s Kingdom, but the two couldn’t be more different. While God’s Kingdom is founded on truth, love, and life, Satan’s kingdom is built on lies, deception, and death. When people bow to Satan, he may meet their immediate needs, but it always comes with a devastating cost.

Therefore, God desires to meet all our needs, but He requires us to approach Him in faith. We must align ourselves with His Kingdom principles and resist the lure of Satan’s counterfeit promises. By worshipping and serving God alone, we open the door for His abundant provision and blessings in our lives. 

Let us lose confidence in the world’s systems and place our full trust in God, who is faithful to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.


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