
Keys to Overcoming Obstacles: Navigating Trials and Triumphs with Faith

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” — John 16: 33. Life’s journey is filled with twists, turns, and unexpected challenges. However, these obstacles need not be permanent roadblocks. They can empower us to navigate the timeless terrains of opportunities and difficulties. In this article, we’ll explore how to overcome obstacles and find strength in adversity. 1. Change Your Perspective Obstacles are inevitable—both fair and unfair. What truly matters is not the nature of these obstacles, but how we perceive them. Our reaction determines whether we merely survive or thrive because of them. Remember that trials are not your life; they are seasons within your life. Focus on the present moment, ignoring what obstacles represent or why they happened. 2. Faith as a Weapon Obstacles can provoke strong emotions, but in order to survive and overcome them, it's important to

Forgiveness is our Spiritual Mandate.

Forgiving someone who has hurt, violated, and harmed us is no easy feat. However, we can choose to forgive. You and I know the pain of being hurt. We’ve been heartbroken, despised, and attacked with unpleasant words. We've been knocked down and downtrodden. The list is endless. I am not trying to open old wounds; rather, I’m trying to help heal them completely. It is time we chose to offload the bitter burden of unforgiveness and enter into a new realm of healing and freedom. Forgiving someone who has hurt, violated, and mistreated us is not an easy task. However, when you choose to forgive, you’re fulfilling your spiritual mandate. You’re starting to walk on a new and brighter path toward healing and growth. “The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.” – Marcus Aurelius . Perhaps you cannot reckon how you can forgive when you consider the gravity of the pain. I recall somebody who was asked to forgive when she was on her deathbed, but she declined. Another one

Revelation of God's kingdom

Deep within every person who seeks God's kingdom, there is a longing for truth and a yearning to see beyond the ordinary. It is in the quiet corners of the soul where the revelation of God's Kingdom begins to unfold. Those who truly seek God will be given visions that surpass earthly understanding—a divine revelation that goes beyond the grasp of the world. However, this revelation remains elusive to many, even among believers. Their hearts, tied to worldly wisdom and power, fail to fully embrace the sovereignty of God. They are ensnared by the allure of this world, mistaking its temporary promises for lasting fulfilment. Yet, God's intention is for us not to be attached to temporal things but to be firmly rooted in Him. We find ourselves under a new reign, governed by a King whose love and care are boundless. This Kingdom is not one of manipulation and control but of liberation and restoration. It is a realm where joy, peace, and love reign supreme—a stark contrast to the

The Keys to Dominion: Embracing Our Divine Role

The aspect of humanity's partnership with God and the responsibility entrusted to us begins with the creation of the heavens and the earth. In His image, He made us, and with the words "Let us make man in our image," God established a divine commission for every believer. God's intention for humanity involves stewardship and leadership. He granted us dominion over the earth, signifying rule and lordship (Genesis 1:27). This dominion is characterized by wisdom and compassion, rather than oppression or exploitation. As Psalm 115:16 reminds us, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Our actions on earth should reflect God's glory. The authority given to us has been affirmed by Jesus Christ. When He declared, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven," it was not metaphorical; it was an entrustment of power over all things (Matthew 16:19). This power is entrusted to us not for personal gain, but for th

Heavenly Treasures vs. Earthly Mammon

In a world where material possessions and temporary pursuits often take precedence, the quest for wealth can become our primary objective. However, in the teachings of Jesus, we encounter a contrasting choice between amassing earthly riches and seeking treasures in Heaven. The contrast between Heaven's treasures and mammon goes beyond simply two forms of wealth; it represents a choice between two masters, two paths in life, and ultimately, two destinies. The scriptures caution us that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). Money itself is not inherently evil, but prioritizing it above all else and letting it dictate our actions and intentions leads to idolatry. When our financial pursuits begin to control us, they take on the role of a false god in our lives. This is the essence of serving mammon—a term used to describe wealth or greed as a detrimental influence. Jesus addressed this in Matthew 6:19-24, urging us to store up treasures in Heaven rather

Some Truths about God's Kingdom

In the heart of every believer lies a profound truth, a beacon that shines through the darkness of this world: the power of God's kingdom. This kingdom is not a realm of earthly dominion, but a spiritual fortress governed by Jesus, the King of kings. When we embrace salvation, we are not merely changing an allegiance; we are being translated into His kingdom, a transition from the shadows into the marvellous light. Born Into the Kingdom To enter God's kingdom, one must be born into it, not of flesh, but of spirit—born from above. This rebirth is a divine transformation that aligns us with the will of the Father and appoints us as representatives of Jesus on earth. Just as Jesus was sent by God, we too are sent forth, carrying the mantle of His love and authority. The Riches of His Kingdom The kingdom of God is a treasure trove of divine gifts: wisdom, understanding, peace, joy, health, provision, and protection. These are not mere concepts but tangible realities for those who b

Understanding Times and Seasons: A Divine Framework for Purposeful Living

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To everything, there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven." This profound truth reveals that our existence is not a series of random events but a structured journey through times and seasons, meticulously allocated by God. The Precious Commodity of Time Time is the currency of life, a commodity that cannot be purchased with wealth. Its value surpasses all earthly riches, for while money can be earned, time, once spent, is irretrievable. As children of God, we are entrusted with this precious gift, and it is incumbent upon us to use it with the utmost care and intentionality. The Responsibility of Stewardship We are not afforded the luxury of squandering time. Like Jesus, who exemplified wisdom and responsibility during His three-year ministry, we too must navigate our allotted time with purpose. The urgency of our mission is clear; we are pilgrims, journeying towards eternity, and every moment is a step closer to our final destination. Th