Revelation of God's kingdom

Deep within every person who seeks God's kingdom, there is a longing for truth and a yearning to see beyond the ordinary. It is in the quiet corners of the soul where the revelation of God's Kingdom begins to unfold. Those who truly seek God will be given visions that surpass earthly understanding—a divine revelation that goes beyond the grasp of the world.

However, this revelation remains elusive to many, even among believers. Their hearts, tied to worldly wisdom and power, fail to fully embrace the sovereignty of God. They are ensnared by the allure of this world, mistaking its temporary promises for lasting fulfilment. Yet, God's intention is for us not to be attached to temporal things but to be firmly rooted in Him.

We find ourselves under a new reign, governed by a King whose love and care are boundless. This Kingdom is not one of manipulation and control but of liberation and restoration. It is a realm where joy, peace, and love reign supreme—a stark contrast to the chaos and strife that plague our world.

Living by the revelation of God's Kingdom may make us appear odd in the eyes of society. We are called not to conform but to stand firm in our identity as citizens of Heaven. As 1 Peter 2:9 proclaims, we were chosen for this purpose—to be different and to shine amidst darkness with the light of God's love.

In a world filled with sorrow and hatred, we are called to rejoice and love unconditionally. Our response should be one of peace when terror looms, a testament to the transformative power of God's Kingdom.

We must reclaim all that was lost by Adam and Eve—the earth's resources and our rightful place as stewards of creation. We must assert our authority and dominion with conviction, not through force but through faith in God's promise.

The tale of Adam and Eve serves as a cautionary reminder that surrendering God's Kingdom to Satan led to deception and counterfeit systems. Satan's kingdom mimics God's but lacks authenticity; it is built on illusion rather than truth. His signs and wonders are mere facades, designed to deceive.

Yet, we possess a higher knowledge—a divine insight that shields us from deception. Revelation 12:9 warns us of Satan's deceitful tactics but also assures us that we are equipped with discernment. The knowledge of God is our armour against falsehood. 

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. (Revelation 12 : 11).

Remaining in darkness means being under Satan's sway, but through rebirth—transcending from darkness into light— we can perceive the Kingdom of God as described in John 3:3. It is a mystery beyond physical sight, accessible only to those born again and walking in the Spirit.

Jesus has delivered us from this world; now it is our turn to liberate ourselves from its influence. Sanctification is our journey from salvation to spiritual maturity, as 1 Corinthians 10:14 reminds us. 
Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. (1 Corinthians 10:14).
We must shed our worldly mindset and embrace the culture of the Kingdom— where deception gives way to truth.

Let us uproot worldly beliefs and plant seeds of divine wisdom within our hearts. The culture we cultivate must reflect the values of God's Kingdom—truth, righteousness, and love. For these are not just ideals; they are the very essence of life as intended by our Creator.

God bless you abundantly!


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