
Showing posts from August, 2024

God is Moved by Faith, Not Our Needs

Many believe that because God is all-knowing and loving, He will automatically meet our needs. However, while God is indeed aware of our needs, and He hears our prayers, He is not moved by them alone. In Matthew 6:8, Jesus tells us,  “For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.”  This verse emphasizes that God already knows what we need, but it does not negate our responsibility to ask Him. We must actively seek God’s help and provision. If we do nothing, God will not move on our behalf. The truth is, what moves God is faith. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus repeatedly highlights the importance of faith in receiving God’s blessings and intervention. In Luke 12:28, Jesus says,  “If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith?”  Here, Jesus underscores that it is not our needs that stir God to action but our faith in His ability to provide. Faith is essentia

Buy Your Future

So He said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, Who shall not receive many times more in this present time, and in the age to come eternal life.” — Luke 18: 29–30. In a world where the pursuit of material wealth and fleeting pleasures often takes centre stage, it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters. The transient things of this world — the comforts, accolades, and possessions — are all too often given priority over the eternal values of God’s Kingdom. Yet, scripture reminds us of a different path, one that leads to a future that is not only secure but also everlasting. The quoted passage underscores a critical truth about the Christian life — true dedication to God’s Kingdom often requires sacrifice. But the rewards far surpass anything this world can offer. Buying your future means investing your time, energy, and resources into things that have eternal value rather

The Transformation of Salvation: A New Beginning with Jesus

Salvation is a transformative experience that occurs when we open our hearts to Jesus Christ as our saviour. It is a spiritual rebirth that instantly changes the trajectory of our lives. Through Christ’s love and grace, we become new creatures and are welcomed into the fold of God’s Kingdom. Salvation is not a result of our works, but a matter of faith. It is the presence of Christ’s life within us that brings true salvation, transcending all boundaries of religion, ethnicity, and culture. It is a personal journey that we nurture through our relationship with Jesus. Choosing to embrace Jesus Christ as our saviour is the most significant choice we can make in life. Jesus wholly transforms our lives, replacing darkness with light, and despair with vitality. The desire to experience the kingdom of God, guided by Jesus’ love, is a profound journey worth embarking upon. In the words of John 3:3, Jesus emphasizes that without being born again, we cannot grasp the essence of God’s kingdom. Th

Don’t Kindle Your Own Fire

  “Who among you fears the Lord? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness And has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord And rely upon his God. Look, all you who kindle a fire, Who encircle yourselves with sparks: Walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you have kindled—This you shall have from My hand: You shall lie down in torment.” — Isaiah 50:10-11. No, may God forbid! We should not try to start a fire using only our own limited efforts while ignoring God's ability. Our fire will not give us enough light to find our way out. A fire started in this way is like a mere spark in God's eyes. We will be surprised by how quickly it goes out, leaving us in grim darkness and sorrow." Instead, we can determine to proceed with the bumpy ride up the rugged mountain, as we confidently rest in the power of the Lord to shine His full light upon our pathway. He is light! Beloved, it is not enough to draw our confidence from our wisdom, power or stren

What Kind of Seeds Are You Sowing in Yourself and Others?

When the harvest is plentiful, it brings peace and contentment to our hearts. The richness of the harvest depends on the type and quality of the seeds we plant. The seeds we sow in the fertile soil of this precious life we are given will only yield positive results if we cultivate them. This applies to all aspects of our human experiences, both the uplifting and the challenging. And yet, the harvest always exceeds the amount of the seeds we sow. And that, the seeds will ever bring forth fruits of their kind. The essence of life can be compared to a bank account in God’s hands. We withdraw what we deposit, and we never know the balance of our remaining days. Today we are here, but tomorrow we may be gone. Therefore, who are we to boast before God and people? We are all lovely flowers in the same magnificent garden of life, scorched by the same heat of life. And soon we shrivel to nothingness. We are all tiny dots of dust of the earth, tossed here and there, blown to and fro, by the same

There is a Void in Your Soul. What Fills it?

There are so many things that are competing for our space, time and attention. Like neon advert signs they are always flashing on and off, ever beckoning, “welcome, welcome…” But not everything that entices us, not everything that captures our attention should be welcomed. Nor should we always say yes to every invitation. Despite their glamour, we can stop and ask ourselves, “Does this give glory to God? Is this in harmony with God’s will? Is it aligned with my goals? Is it productive? Does this reflect my values? Will this distort my integrity? Then we can adjust accordingly. There is a void in man. Emptiness. nothingness. Dark abyss…This gap is always demanding to be filled. We, therefore, need to be extra cautious about choosing the things to fill it with. “There is, in every event, whether lived or told, always a hole or gap, often more than one. if we allow ourselves to get caught in it, we find it opening into a void that, once we have slipped into it, we can never escape.” — Bri

Five Amazing Ways We Can Practically Avert Anxiety

What will happen if I don’t get that job? What if I am fired from my current job? Am I beautiful? What if I fail my exam? Have these and similar questions ever troubled you with a never-ending cycle? If yes, you’re worrying and overthinking. Worrying and overthinking are markers of anxiety. Anxiety tends to affect us often time. If you have ever been anxious, you know it is an unhealthy aspect. Anxiety arises from unfulfilled desires and unmet expectations that we tend to continuously seek in an attempt to fill an ever-insatiable void that always tends to avoid pain and rejoice in pleasure. Anxiety is like the raging waves of the sea, ever in a never-ending motion that never takes one anywhere. Anxiety is the opposite of faith. Faith is trusting God to do what seems impossible to you. You are anxious when you’re trusting in your capacity, lauding your might to tackle those battles. You become anxious when you say you’re well able to go through your challenges alone. When you put God as

Believer's Authority and the Biblical Principles Surrounding it

Understanding the concept of Believer's Authority and the biblical principles associated with it is crucial for every believer. It is essential to comprehend the source and scope of authority to fully realize its significance in our lives. The foundation of all authority lies in God Himself. He is the ultimate authority, and everything flows from Him. In Genesis 1:26, God delegated authority to humanity when He created Adam and Eve. This authority extended over the earth and its creatures. Recognizing this divine origin of authority helps us appreciate its impact on our lives. God entrusted Adam with dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:28). Adam's authority covered the entire scope of creation, including naming animals and tending the garden. However, this authority was compromised due to sin. Tragically, Adam's disobedience led to the fall of humanity. Satan exploited this opportunity, deceiving Adam and Eve. By yielding to temptation, Adam effectively handed over his autho