There is Always Someone Above Us: Acknowledge Him

Look up, there’s always someone above us, guiding our paths and granting us blessings beyond measure. Take a moment to thank God for the prosperity in your life, the steady climb from one level of success to the next, perhaps even overseeing your own thriving company with dedicated employees. It’s truly a testament to His grace!

Consider your surroundings—the home you’ve built, the attire you wear, the delicacies you savour, the wheels you drive—signs of your accomplishments and your place among the top earners. Celebrate your achievements!

But beware of the trap of pride, creeping in as you glance downward at those you perceive as beneath you—in income, lifestyle, or status. It’s a slippery slope when you begin to equate success with superiority, forgetting your journey and the guiding hand above.

Human nature tempts us to crown ourselves with power and position, allowing ego to tarnish our values and integrity. We may find ourselves looking down on others, blind to the precariousness of our standing.

Pause and ponder: What if the one above treated me as I treat those beneath me? What if my circumstances changed in an instant, at the whim of those in authority?

Remember, there is One above all, the Alpha and Omega, the orchestrator of destinies, the King of kings—Jehovah. His wisdom surpasses all, teaching us the true path to prosperity and fulfilment.

Scripture reminds us: Do not lift your horn on high; Do not speak with a stiff neck. For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one And exalts another. ~ Psalms 75:5–7.

Let us fix our gaze on God, acknowledging His sovereignty above all – above people, careers, wealth, and influence. In doing so, we guard against the tyranny of ego, nurturing instead seeds of compassion, humility, and grace.

As ambassadors of Christ, we humbly recognize God as the source of our strength, wielding our authority with gentleness and grace. In faith, we rise like eagles, yet in humility, we kneel before His majesty.

Now to Him who can keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Saviour Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen. ~ Jude 1:24–25.



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