
Faith Vs Experience

  Experience and faith are both essential components of life. Experience is considered the best teacher as it shapes our understanding through tangible, seen, and felt things. It is the architect of wisdom, building upon the foundations of trial and error. However, in the presence of faith, experience bows as a humble student, eager to learn from the intangible force that moves mountains and fells walls. The biblical account of Jericho is a testament to the power of faith. The walls of this ancient city did not crumble under the assault of siege engines or the strategies of seasoned warriors. Instead, they fell after seven days of faithful marching, a divine orchestration that defied conventional warfare. This narrative from Hebrews 11:30 serves as a powerful reminder that faith operates beyond the realm of human expertise and experience. In our lives, we encounter obstacles that seem insurmountable – challenges that defy our accumulated knowledge. It is in these moments that fai

Be Inspired by Other People’s Success

Success is not a competition, it is a celebration. When we see people who achieve their goals or make a positive difference in the world, we should not feel jealous or inferior. We should feel happy and motivated. They are not our enemies, they are our examples. They show us what is possible, and they inspire us to pursue our dreams. Instead of envying or judging the success of others, we should embrace it and learn from it. We should listen to their stories, appreciate their efforts, and apply their wisdom to our situations. We should not compare ourselves to them, but we should challenge ourselves to grow. We should not limit ourselves by our fears, but we should empower ourselves by our faith. We all have the potential to succeed, in our ways and our fields. We all have the gifts, talents, and passions that God has given us. We all have the opportunities, resources, and support that He has provided us. We all have the vision, purpose, and destiny that He has planned for us. We just

Gold vs Glitters

   In our search for happiness and fulfilment, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, faced with a choice between the temporary and the eternal, the superficial and the substantial.  The words of Matthew 16:26–27 serve as a powerful reminder: "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, yet loses his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" The allure of glitter and material possessions is strong and tempting. They offer immediate gratification, but are fleeting and do not last. Our bodies are mortal and our time on earth is limited. We can accumulate wealth and possessions, but we cannot add a single moment to our lives. We should focus on pursuing gold, which has enduring value, instead of temporary glitters that distract us from what truly matters. As believers, we will face challenges in our journey. Even if the world goes against us, we must stay true to our faith in Jesus, as He is our ultimate reward. Without Him, we will feel empty, n

The Power of Songs

In life, every note we play reflects our innermost being. Music is a universal language that transcends borders and tells the stories of our souls. It has the power to lift our spirits and guide us through the challenges of existence. Amidst life’s difficulties, we can find harmony in the good songs of faith. These songs are not just melodies; they are affirmations of divine truth and expressions of God’s goodness. To learn them is to embrace a daily practice of spiritual nourishment, and to sing them is to celebrate God’s love. Let us learn the good songs of faith and make them a part of our daily lives. As we sing them, we create a tapestry of worship that adorns our private devotions, family gatherings, and church communities. When we sing the good songs of faith with joy and conviction, they strengthen our spirits and reinforce our beliefs. They also serve as beacons of hope in times of despair, reminding us that beyond the darkness, there is always a new dawn. empower you. Let the

Rising Above: The Journey from Sorrow to Hope

         In the profound depths of human experience, there echoes of a timeless verse, “He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.” (Isaiah 53:3-4). This passage speaks to the universal truth that even the most revered among us have walked paths lined with sorrow and rejection. Yet, it is not the presence of grief that defines us, but our resilience in its face. There are moments when we feel as though we’ve reached the end of our tether, declaring ourselves ‘down and done.’ But consider this: the earth does not halt its orbit, nor does the sun withhold its dawn. Our darkest moments are just that—moments. Life’s grand tapestry continues to weave, and God’s work within us never ceases. We must not let the shadow of our emotions dictate the cessation

The Power of the Tongue

In the quest for a life filled with joy and the treasure of good days, one biblical wisdom implores us to master the art of speech.  “For he who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.” (1 Peter 3:10-11). The tongue, though small, wields a force mightier than any weapon of mass destruction. It can ignite a wildfire of destruction or breathe life into the ashen fields of despair.  “Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity.” (James 3:5-6). We are all architects of our destiny, crafting the   of our lives one word at a time. Our words can be the balm that heals or the arrow that wounds the hearts of friends, neighbours, colleagues, and loved ones. We must recognize that a ‘slip of the tongue’ is not merely a misstep but a call to mindfu

The Power of the Feminine Voice

On this International Women’s Day, let us illuminate the world with the radiance of women’s voices. Their words carry the power to transform, to heal, and to create peace amidst turmoil. The feminine voice is not just powerful—it’s transformative, shaping life in all its facets. Yet, in a landscape often echoed by masculine tones, the resounding feminine voice sometimes fades into the background. It’s a stark reality where the male voice has been amplified, at times overshadowing and even silencing the female perspective. The scriptures present us with a tapestry of women whose lives offer timeless wisdom. Take, for instance, the tale of Abigail and Nabal from 1 Samuel 25:1-44—a narrative rich with lessons of courage and diplomacy. Abigail, the wife of the wealthy yet arrogant Nabal, stood as a beacon of moral grace and understanding. Amidst adversity, her beauty was matched only by her wisdom (1 Samuel 25:3). In a time of conflict, where David sought refuge from Saul, he and