The Power of the Feminine Voice

On this International Women’s Day, let us illuminate the world with the radiance of women’s voices. Their words carry the power to transform, to heal, and to create peace amidst turmoil. The feminine voice is not just powerful—it’s transformative, shaping life in all its facets.

Yet, in a landscape often echoed by masculine tones, the resounding feminine voice sometimes fades into the background. It’s a stark reality where the male voice has been amplified, at times overshadowing and even silencing the female perspective.

The scriptures present us with a tapestry of women whose lives offer timeless wisdom. Take, for instance, the tale of Abigail and Nabal from 1 Samuel 25:1-44—a narrative rich with lessons of courage and diplomacy.

Abigail, the wife of the wealthy yet arrogant Nabal, stood as a beacon of moral grace and understanding. Amidst adversity, her beauty was matched only by her wisdom (1 Samuel 25:3).

In a time of conflict, where David sought refuge from Saul, he and his men protected Nabal’s flock. Yet, when David sought sustenance, Nabal’s scornful refusal echoed with pride and ego, a stark contrast to the humility and tact of his wife (1 Samuel 25:10–11).

As Rumi wisely said, “Know that a word suddenly shot from the tongue is like an arrow shot from the bow. That arrow won’t turn back on its way; you must damn the torrent at its source.”

Enraged, David vowed vengeance upon Nabal’s house (1 Samuel 25:10-12, 22). But Abigail, upon learning of the impending doom, acted swiftly and wisely to avert disaster. Her intervention, laden with provisions and pleas for mercy, showcased the divine intervention through her actions (1 Samuel 25:14-19, 24–31).

David, moved by her humility and sage advice, recognized in her the hand of God, averting a bloodbath (1 Samuel 25:32,33). And when divine justice took its course, Abigail’s wisdom and virtue led her to a new destiny as David’s wife (1 Samuel 25:37-41).

In her words, peace was restored where chaos loomed.

Let us ponder, men, on the strength found in listening to women’s voices. To listen is not to weaken but to empower. Across the globe, countless women have left indelible marks, from the mothers who inspire us to the heroines who’ve sacrificed for the greater good.

Often, women’s triumphs go unspoken, their strengths uncelebrated. Imagine a world where we honour their achievements and afford them the respect they rightfully deserve.

The scriptures are replete with women who steered society away from the brink. The New Testament further highlights their indispensable role in ministry and community.

Jesus himself cherished and understood women, supporting them as they supported him, steadfast to the very end.

Our world grapples with violence, environmental crises, and social inequalities. To navigate these challenges, we need a chorus of voices, both masculine and feminine, united in positive action—not a solo but a symphony.

So today, as we pay homage to our cherished mothers and the women who shape our lives, let us pledge to heed the feminine voice, for in its wisdom lies the key to a harmonious future.

Question for reflection: what if gender parity is always a priority when choosing, electing and appointing candidates in all domains of leadership?


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