
Showing posts from February, 2024

How Do You Respond When Someone Hurts You?

When someone hurls offensive words your way, it can feel like they’re attacking your very being. You might feel momentarily stunned, helpless, and even traumatized. But remember this: you are not defined by their words. In that charged moment, you have a choice that can shape your character and resilience. You can either retaliate with a verbal onslaught, or you can rise above, refusing to descend to their level. And let me tell you, the true strength lies not in retaliation but in restraint. Instead of launching a calculated verbal slingshot, pause. Take a deep breath and gather your inner resolve. Choose kindness over chaos, wisdom over wrath. The power of silence can be deafening, so sometimes, holding back your words can speak volumes. It’s not a sign of weakness, but rather a strategic display of restraint. As the ancient proverb goes, “He who refrains his tongue from evil finds peace.” Remember, your words can be weapons or healing balm. So when you encounter hurtful speech, you ...

From Humble Beginnings to Greatness: The Power of Faithfulness

Throughout history, there are stories of people who started with little and became influential leaders. One such story is about Elisha, who went from being unknown to becoming a great figure, showing us how powerful faithfulness can be. In ancient Israel, Elisha began an important journey of service with the prophet Elijah. Elijah was well-known, often overshadowing Elisha. However, Elisha did not let this stop him. He accepted every task with commitment, even when they seemed small. During the years he served Elijah, Elisha often did unrecognized work. Few people saw what he was doing. Despite this, Elisha remained dedicated in his quiet moments of service. Although his contributions seemed minor, they were building blocks for a greater purpose that was yet to come. He did not realize that each small act of service would lead him to his destiny. Elisha's experience reflects the lesson from the parable of the talents, reminding us of the importance of being responsible with what we...

Embracing the Transformative Power of Love

Loving ourselves and others is a profound journey that shapes our existence. How do we love? Completely, sincerely, unreservedly? We grapple with the essence of love, confronting our fears and doubts. Yet, within this journey lies the transformative power of love, an essence embodied in the divine. It is the love of God, personified in Jesus Christ, that illuminates our path towards unconditional love. As we receive, learn, and embrace this divine love, it permeates every aspect of our being. When we allow this love to flow within us—nurturing our minds, hearts, spirits, and souls—it creates an overflow that extends to touch the lives of those around us. God’s love knows no bounds; it is boundless and eternal, embracing us unconditionally despite our imperfections and weaknesses. As the Apostle Paul reminds us, “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come...shall be able to separate us from the love of ...

There is Always Someone Above Us: Acknowledge Him

Look up, there’s always someone above us, guiding our paths and granting us blessings beyond measure. Take a moment to thank God for the prosperity in your life, the steady climb from one level of success to the next, perhaps even overseeing your own thriving company with dedicated employees. It’s truly a testament to His grace! Consider your surroundings—the home you’ve built, the attire you wear, the delicacies you savour, the wheels you drive—signs of your accomplishments and your place among the top earners. Celebrate your achievements! But beware of the trap of pride, creeping in as you glance downward at those you perceive as beneath you—in income, lifestyle, or status. It’s a slippery slope when you begin to equate success with superiority, forgetting your journey and the guiding hand above. Human nature tempts us to crown ourselves with power and position, allowing ego to tarnish our values and integrity. We may find ourselves looking down on others, blind to the precariousness...

Embracing Eternal Riches

In a world where glittering treasures and transient pleasures seem to be alluring, the timeless wisdom of Scripture invites us to contemplate the true value of our pursuits. “What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works.” (Matthew 16:26-27). These words carry a profound truth that surpasses the transient treasures of this world. While wealth and glamour may captivate our senses, their allure fades in the light of eternity. In the grand scheme of things, our mortal bodies are temporary vessels, while the treasures of the soul endure for eternity. My dear friends, amidst the transient glimmer of worldly riches, let us focus on the enduring splendour of eternal treasures. For even if the whole world should turn against us, we stand firm in the knowledge that our greatest reward lies in ...

A Lesson In Redemption and Faith

Peter’s Journey by the Sea of Galilee In the pages of history, some moments stand out as symbols of human frailty and eventual redemption. One such profound episode is found in the Gospel of John, where the disciple Peter’s denial of Jesus is etched in time. His subsequent journey from brokenness to renewal serves as a timeless lesson about the power of resurrection, faith, and the unwavering love of Christ. When Jesus faced his darkest hour, Peter, one of his closest disciples, denied knowing him not just once, but three times. The weight of his actions bore heavily on Peter’s heart, leaving him shattered and filled with remorse. However, the story doesn’t end there. With Jesus’s triumphant resurrection, a glimmer of hope was rekindled within Peter’s heart. In an intriguing turn of events, Peter found himself back in the sea of Galilee, returning to his former life as a fisherman. Perhaps he thought that his past occupation held blessings that had eluded him during his time with Jesus...

Eternal Investment

The Central Bank of Heaven  As believers, we are entrusted with time, talents, and material possessions. The Scriptures guide us to lay up our treasures in heaven, where they remain incorruptible and beyond the reach of harm.  Investing our blessings for Christ transforms them into treasures stored in the celestial vaults of heaven. This concept of the “Central Bank of Heaven” emerges as we intentionally invest our resources for eternal purposes.  Every act of kindness, every use of talent, and each stewardship of material possessions become deposits into an account that transcends worldly constraints. The dividends from this divine investment are immeasurable, promising a return that exceeds earthly calculations.  Investing in heaven necessitates withdrawing our resources from earth, but this is not a loss. It is a deliberate choice to redirect our assets towards heavenly investments, trusting that the Central Bank of Heaven is a secure repository that safeguards an...