A Replica of the First Passover

Acts chapter 12 tells the story of Herod's cruel acts towards the apostles. After killing James, he arrests Peter and imprisons him during the Passover festival. However, an angel of the Lord miraculously frees Peter from the prison (Acts 12:3-4).

Similarly, Exodus chapter 12 recounts the first Passover, in which God liberates the Israelites from Pharaoh's harsh slavery. Peter's miraculous escape from prison is like a replica of the first Passover, where an angel delivers him.

During the night, an angel of the Lord appears to Peter while he's asleep and instructs him, "Gird yourself and bind on your sandals" (Acts 12:8). Similarly, God gives the same instructions to the Israelites on the night they eat the Passover lamb: "Thus you shall eat it with your belt girded around, and your sandals on your feet" (Exodus 12:11).

These powerful instructions bring about the miraculous and urgent liberation of the Israelites and Peter from bondage. It's truly amazing how a gate made of "iron" opens for Peter and the angel at the boundary of the prison grounds, allowing them to escape (Acts 12:10).

We're currently in a season of remembrance, commemorating the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of the original Passover lamb, Jesus. He's now sitting at the right hand of God in the heavenly places, far above all principalities, powers, and might, along with all born-again believers. What a joyous victory for believers in Jesus, as they've been set free from Satan's slavery.

God didn't let us perish in our sins. Instead, He punished His only begotten son, who saved us with His blood and death. He paid the wages of sin out of love and selflessness so that we could be free and have eternal life.

Just as the Israelites escaped from Pharaoh's bondage and Peter escaped from Herod's prison during Passover, God's presence and power are available today to liberate people from the bondage of Satan, the ruler of this world.

It's important to remember that Satan's only mission is to take captives, kill, destroy, and bind them in the dark prisons of spiritual poverty, brokenness, blindness, and death (John 10:10).

Yet, Jesus came to proclaim liberty to the captives and unlock the prison doors to their freedom. He came to take captives out of darkness and bring them into the light. He came to preach good news to the poor and heal the brokenhearted. This is the abundant life that believers inherit. Amen!

"I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness." - John 12:46.

Just as the church prayed for Peter's release, I'm praying that during this season, someone will receive their freedom from any form of bondage they're currently in. Let a replica of the Passover happen to that person who believes with me that there's power in the resurrection of Jesus.

Maybe you're trapped in a situation that feels like a prison. May the light of Jesus shine in that prison and may those chains fall off your hands, allowing you to move forward. Perhaps you're at the brink of giving up and moving forward, but an iron gate is blocking your breakthrough. 

May God urgently send an angel to open that iron gate to your freedom in Jesus's name. Hallelujah!

By faith, gird yourself bind on your sandals and walk out in freedom right now. Amen!

I wish you a blessed Easter festival.


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