This is what happens when love breaks us

Loving ourselves and others is the most powerful thing we can do on earth. But how do we love? Entirely, sincerely, purely, wholeheartedly? We struggle to love, we fear to love. You know that, and I know.

It is only God’s love, embodied in Jesus Christ that can make us to truly and purely love. When we receive, learn, and embrace it.

When we allow this love to flow inside; into our minds, hearts, spirits and souls. When we’re full of this love, to the extent that we experience an overflow. Then this love flows outside; into the lives of others.

God’s love for us is dimensionless and unlimited. It has no boundaries and is everlasting. God loves us all, unconditionally, despite our foibles and frailties.

“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ~Romans 8:38-39.

This God’s love breaks us and love flows without force. Because our hearts are broken. Now we start to see ourselves clearly, the deeper truth in us; our minds full, our hearts full, our spirits full, our souls full of God’s love.

This mystic love breaks our pride, it smashes hatred, it breaks…until we are no more ourselves.

Only when we’re broken we can shun the fear of loving. Now we can love without striving, effortlessly.

At that point, when God’s love has cracked our hearts open, and we see ourselves plainly, truly, purely, we witness ourselves broken, we can start loving ourselves sincerely and truly in our brokenness.

Then our spiritual eyes become wide open so that we start seeing others as we are, as they are, in their brokenness.

Only then we start accepting and loving them as they are. Not in our expectations and perceptions of who they should be. Because now we can see the magnificence in our brokenness; the beauty in their fragilities.

Now we start loving them in their weaknesses–that vulnerability, those scars, their emptiness. Now we have banished, “we are” and buried “they are.” “We” and “they” have become the same thing, a broken vessel. Us.

Our love is their love. Our pleasure is their pleasure. Their agony is our agony…everything. Love is streaming in us and amongst us.

Now, God’s love has transformed us. We have now entered into a new place. A realm of purer, truer, sincerer compassion, kindness, humility, mercy, grace, peace, joy, unity…and any other virtue found in this lovely paradise, where love has taken us as it flows.

Now the world is a witness. It looks on and says,

“Behold how they love one another!” And it yearns to know how to love. Therefore, it learns and knows how to love. Because it has seen, witnessed and embraced our love.

Heaven is also a witness. It looks down and says,

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing—Life forevermore.” ~Psalm 133.

And the Lord pours His blessings upon us. Because now we know how to love, as God loved and loves us. When He gave out His only Son to die for our sins.

On the cross, Jesus became vulnerable, broken, empty, weak; for the love of mankind.

And by faith we see Him, witness Him, embrace Him broken for our sins. We believe in Him and accept His love.

Now, His love breaks us, we become empty, as Father and son are. Now we know how to love, to love ourselves and others.

I wish that God’s love fills your heart until you hear it break, then the love of God flows into the world. To touch at least one soul.

Can you imagine how heaven would rejoice? Can you imagine how much blessings heaven would release? Can you visualize how life would be like–full of love?

Jesus loves you!


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