Rise above the crowd

The crowd is loud and persuasive. It can tempt us to follow its opinions and actions, even if they go against our values and goals. It can make us forget who we are and what we stand for. But we don’t have to succumb to the crowd. We can rise above it. The crowd is like a raging river. It can sweep us away from our true destination and leave us stranded in a place we don’t belong. But we can swim against the current. We can find our way back to our path. When we realize that we have made wrong choices that led us astray, we may feel scared or ashamed to turn around. But we must not hesitate. We must act quickly and decisively. It is better to lose some time or money than to lose ourselves. We can resist the crowd by asking ourselves some critical questions: Does this honour God? Is this in line with His will? Is this consistent with my purpose? Is this valuable? Does this reflect my principles? Will this compromise my integrity and character? Then we can adjust accordingly. Child of Go...