Why we must hung on

All odds are looking dismal. They are telling you to surrender. They are demanding that you stifle your faith. They are dictating that you compromise what you believe in. You can easily choose to stoop in capitulation. You can easily slay your own identity, integrity, position… You can easily behave like Esau who sold his birthright to Jacob when hunger pangs bit him. But, wait. You cannot afford to give in to those forces of doom. You cannot afford to drop your gem. No. You cannot afford to exchange your birthright with a mouthful of lentils soup. You cannot trade your royalty with a crumb of bread. Can you? Instead, you can emulate Peter. It is Peter who vehemently denied Jesus. It is to him that Jesus said, “get behind me satan.” Despite the plethora of setbacks he faced, his faith in Jesus remained rock-solid as his name insinuates. It is also Peter to whom Jesus said, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of hades s...